Divide by zero error encountered

How to Fix Error Divide by zero error encountered

The example below shows a workaround for a Divide by zero error encountered. error by using the NULLIF Function. NULLIF returns the first expression if the two expressions are not equivalent otherwise a NULL is returned.

Usage: SELECT NULLIF(col1, 0)

IF col1 = 0 then a NULL will be returned.
CREATE TABLE dbo.Products
Product VARCHAR(10),
Price NUMERIC(7, 2),
CostPrice NUMERIC(7, 2)

INSERT dbo.Products SELECT ‘Hammer’, 12.00, 6.00
INSERT dbo.Products SELECT ‘Nails’,  0.10, 0.05
INSERT dbo.Products SELECT ‘Screws’, 0, 0.05

SELECT Product, (CostPrice / Price) * 100 AS PercentProfit FROM dbo.Products

Will Produce the following Error:

(3 row(s) affected)

Server: Msg 8134, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Divide by zero error encountered.

SELECT Product, (CostPrice / NULLIF(Price, 0))* 100 AS PercentProfit FROM dbo.Products


Product    PercentProfit
———- ———————–
Hammer     50.0000000000
Nails      50.0000000000
Screws     NULL

(3 row(s) affected)