Category Archives: General

SQL Server Security Auditing: Checking Who Has Access to What

SQL Server Security Auditing: Checking Who Has Access to What

With changes often needed around security to ensure people have access, how does an organisation ensure who has what level of access? How can you identify potential security threats? The answer is to review or audit the security of your SQL Server environment on a regular basis. Here’s our suggestions for what to consider including in a SQL security audit:

My SQL Server is Fine – So Why Bother Patching?


While many organisations have a roadmap to migrate to Azure or modernise to supported versions of SQL Server, there are others, that for various reasons, will need to maintain legacy versions. Maybe the application running on the legacy version is not compatible with newer versions of SQL Server, or perhaps the application vendor has gone out of business. Whatever the reason, the legacy application – […]

Ebook: An Introduction to Azure Managed Instance

Azure Managed Instance

Azure SQL Database Managed Instance is a new flexible way to move your database environment to Azure, currently in public preview. This new option from Microsoft will streamline the migration of SQL Server workloads to a fully managed database service. Azure Managed Instance provides the control of an IaaS environment and the capability of PaaS without […]

Stop Overpaying for Microsoft Licensing: Our Top 5 Tips for True Up

True Up Tips

By the Data Platform team at WARDY IT Solutions. Understand your infrastructure – Run the Microsoft Assessment and Planning (MAP) toolkit to obtain a detailed inventory of your current infrastructure.Note: This is the tool Microsoft run during the True Up process. Production and Non-Production – Microsoft does not charge for non-prod SQL Servers so don’t […]