Case Study: Power BI Unlocks Value for the Travel Industry

Case Study: Power BI Unlocks Value for the Travel Industry

Executive Summary

Orbit World Travel – Australasia’s largest locally owned travel management company – and their technology partner Kudos Travel Technology, identified an opportunity to make data their differentiator in the fast paced and highly competitive corporate travel space by truly embracing innovation.

Orbit and Kudos recognised that providing clients with real-time data and personalised reporting integrated directly into the Orbit Enterprise platform, could be a game changer.

For Orbit and Kudos, the new system has created a clear workflow with greater visibility around central data source and processes. This has further flow-on benefits for their clients, such as Orbit, including:

  • Increased staff satisfaction and productivity: For Orbit’s Client Services team, running quarterly reviews with every client was a huge undertaking. The team no longer need to spend time running reports, dumping data and updating spreadsheets and pivot tables. With the new system, real-time data for any given client is available with just a few clicks. Staff have their time back to focus on what matters most – the customer.
  • Improved customer experience: Orbit’s clients can now understand their own booking behaviors, possible cost saving initiatives, airline deals, spend with airline agreements compared to targets, spend by departments, and make comparisons & collaborate with their Client Relationship manager to drive change within their business.
  • Huge time efficiency gains: “The speed at which Power BI can cut different sets of data and feed through to reports is remarkable,” said Ben Cochrane. “For example, you can switch to a different financial year and everything updates almost instantly. They don’t have to run multiple reports to make comparisons due to the interactive features.”
  • Competitive advantage: We believe this offering is market leading. The change has ultimately led to high level business improvements that provide an essential performance edge. “Everything is integrated and customer centric.” said Ben Cochrane

“Microsoft recommended three organisations and WARDY IT Solutions stood out from the very start. It was clear that they were the most authoritative in the space and after meeting them, we had confidence that we had come to the right place.” Phil Rasmussen, Managing Director at Kudos said.

Both companies gained confidence quickly from the WARDY IT Solutions process. An initial health check was followed by a thorough implementation plan.

Read the full case study here