June 2019 QSSUG: The Relevant DBA

Relevant DBA

The Relevant DBA

In this session, Henry will address the disruption that is being experienced in the data management sphere and how a DBA can look at the options they have to apply their skills to this new world.

About the Presenter

Henry Rooney has worked with SQL Server for nearly 20 years. Over that time there have been significant developments in the service and keeping up with the way that the product has morphed is a fascinating challenge. Currently employed at Microsoft as a Technology Solutions Professional, he is involved with data on premises and in the cloud encompassing all services, from SQL to CosmosDB, SQLDW, Data Lake and Analytics.


Microsoft Brisbane Level 28, 400 George Street · Brisbane

Date & Time:

Wednesday, 5th June 2019
Catering from 5:30PM for a 6:00PM start (meetings typically finish at 7:30PM)

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