ADF Deployment with DevOps

ADF Deployment with DevOps

In this blog post, Julia Vassileff, BI Consultant and Senior SQL DBA at WARDY IT Solutions, demos the  deployment process of Azure Data Factory (ADF) with Azure DevOps.

1. ADF pipeline configuration

For the purpose of this demonstration, I have created ADF pipeline to copy all tables from SQL database onto blob storage.

I have the pipeline developed in adf-demo-dev1 Data Factory and will be deploying code to “adf-demo-uat” and “adf-demo-prod” Data Factories:

Data Factories

It is recommended to integrate all Connections with Azure Key Vault, providing connection details as Secret names. I have created 3 Azure Key Vaults:

3 Azure Key Vaults

and configured Secrets under the same name but different values depending on environment, I have 2 configurations – Blob end point and Azure DB Connection string in each Key Vault:

Blob end point and Azure DB Connection string in each Key Vault

In ADF “adf-demo-dev1” I have configured 3 Connections, 2 Datasets and 1 pipeline:

3 Connections, 2 Datasets and 1 pipeline

AzureDB and AzureBlobStorage services are integrated with Key Vault, secret names are provided in Linked Service configuration:

AzureDB and AzureBlobStorage services are integrated with Key Vault

For Blob storage, I modified json file to provide blob end point as Key Vault Secret name:

Blob storage

Key Vault Connection will be changed as part of Release pipeline but AzureDB and Blob Storage configuration will not be changed as Secret names are the same.

As a prerequisite, I need to grant permissions for UAT ADF to access UAT Key Vault, I do it in the portal:

grant permissions for UAT ADF to access UAT Key Vault

grant permissions for UAT ADF to access UAT Key Vault

2. DevOps project setup

I connect to DevOps and create a new project (ADF Deployment) and Repository. Project can be shared for Database code, ADF code, etc. It is recommended to have a separate Repository for ADF pipeline.

I created a project “ADF Deployment“ and Repository “ADF Deployment“:

DevOps project setup

In ADF “adf-demo-dev1“, I configure a link to DevOps repository:

DevOps repository

Once we have published ADF pipeline in master branch from UI, adf_publish branch is created in addition to master branch, we can see it in DevOps GUI:

DevOps GUI

ARM templates are generated in adf_publish branch:

ARM templates

Let’s examine file ARMTemplateParametersForFactory.json, deployment parameters are specified there.

We see Secret names are provided here, we wouldn’t need to change Secret names in Release, but Azure Key Vault base URL and ADF name:

Azure Key Vault base URL and ADF name

3. Create DevOps Build

The very first step in Automated deployment is to create a Build.

Build will prepare artifacts to be deployed. In case of ADF deployment, we need only to copy ARM template from DevOps onto deployment machine.

Let’s create a Build for ADF deployment:

Build for ADF deployment

We will use classic editor to create a pipeline without YAML:

create a pipeline without YAML

We are selecting adf_publish branch and “Azure Repos Git” as a repository in the Build:

Azure Repos Git

Select “Empty job“:

Select “Empty job“:

Agent job is now created:

Agent job is now created:

We click “+“ sign to add a task “Publish Pipeline Artifacts“:

Publish Pipeline Artifacts

Now we are ready to run Build – “Save and Queue“:

Publish Pipeline Artifacts Save and Queue

Publish Pipeline Artifacts Save and Queue

Build runs ; output log is successful

4. Create Service Connection

Before we can precede with creating a Release, we need to create a Service connection – this connection will be used by DevOps Agents to connect to the Subscription.

Under project settings select “Service Connections“ I am creating a Service Connection. I have Owner permissions Resource group level, so it works within the group:

Create Service Connection

creating a Service Connection

creating a Service Connection

creating a Service Connection

creating a Service Connection

Service connection is now created

5. Create Variables group

Variable groups will be used to define environment (Stage) specific variables. For my deployment, I need to define:

  1. Data Factory Name : “adf-demo-uat” for UAT Stage and “adf-demo-prod“ for Production
  2. KeyVaultBaseURL : in UAT and in Production.

I define Variable groups:

variable groups

In each Variable group I define variables under the same name:

Variable group UAT


Variable group prod

6. Create DevOps Release pipeline

“Release“ button

Or “Releases“ menu option in left side menu, “New pipeline“

New pipeline

Select “Empty job“ to start building Release pipeline:

Release pipeline

Now we have an option to name a Stage. Stage is an environment where we will be deploying to. Let’s name it UAT:

UAT Stage Task

Artifact for Release pipeline is a Build which we just run:

Artifact for Release pipeline

Our Release pipeline looks like below:

Release pipeline

Let’s rename it – just type in a new name:

ADF Release

Add a task to UAT Stage:

UAT Stage

Select “Azure resource group deployment”:

Azure resource group deployment

Rename it as “ADF pipeline deployment”:

ADF pipeline deployment

Under “Azure subscription, we select a Service Connection created in pp. 4:

Service Connection

Next section, I need to configure, is Template related:


To select Template and Template parameters files, I click on three dots next to the window and navigate to template location:

Template and Template parameters

I have linked Variable group with Scope UAT:

have linked Variable group with Scope UAT

Override parameters section is defined as below, variables $(KeyVaultURL) and $(factoryName) are used from Variable group “Variables-UAT“

Override parameters section

Now we can run UAT deployment – Create release:

UAT deployment release

create a new release

Release is queued and I can monitor the Logs:

Release is queued and I can monitor the Logs

Release is queued and I can monitor the Logs

Release to UAT is successful

I am checking ADF “adf-demo-uat” to confirm pipeline has been deployed and Key Vault Connection points to UAT Key Vault:

UAT Key Vault

UAT Key Vault

We can now Clone Stage to create a Production deployment.

Clone Stage to create a Production deployment

ADF Release

I also add a new Stage scoped Variables group link for Stage “Production“

I also add a new Stage scoped Variables group link for Stage “Production“

Let’s now create a new Release:

new Release

And monitor deployment progress:

monitor deployment progress

Deployment is successful, I am checking the history:

Deployment is successful

I can confirm deployment in Production ADF:

confirm deployment in Production ADF

As well as Key Vault Connection points to Production Key Vault:

Key Vault Connection points to Production Key Vault


This concludes this Blog on ADF automated deployment with DevOps.

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